On the road again…

So, currently, Dragon is playing parking lot on I-75 past the Georgia border. Wee hoo for Labor Day weekend. People need to learn to drive carefully, especially during holiday weekends where large amounts of food, friends, and possibly alcoholic beverages are concerned. You would think with an estimated six million car accidents a year, fifty thousand of those resulting in fatalities, people would be more careful.

Actually, despite traffic snafus, our Labor Day weekend was quite enjoyable, minus a few questionable moments.

No, nothing was wrong with the company. I was exceedingly happy to see Dragon; what little time we have together is very precious. In any case, what happened was a moment of me being silly. I have a tendency to be hyper-critical of myself, and very defensive when I care about someone, to the point of violently reactive at odd moments. Last night, as we were heading back to Dragon’s crash pad after a bit of time hanging out with Sunshine and Chaos, I really stuck my foot in my mouth. Or, as I accidentally said at one point, my mouth in my foot. Dragon found that amusing for some reason.

Tangent altert: Moments like that, where I stumble and fumble and trip over words or building thoughts, are often amusing to others. For me, it is simply frustrating, knowing that I have such a large vocabulary, and a love of words and still cannot express myself very well vocally. I don’t even remember how long I went to that stupid speech therapist for. I’ll have to ask Crazy Jewish Chick. She’d recall. At least I didn’t overly stutter, I think. Perhaps not noticeably. I’m not about to ask Dragon as I don’t wish to call attention to the fact that I fuck up when I talk. It is truly bothersome, one of the things that annoys me about myself.

But I digress. In any case, we spent several hours talking, among other things. I really do enjoy snuggling with him. Touch is such an interesting experience, skin against skin as a form of comfort and non-verbal communication. I love hugging him. That is one thing I will miss when Dragon is on the road; the ability to reach out and touch him. Granted, we have cell phone conversations, eventual text messages, email communication, Facebook, Twitter, and I’m sure that we’ll find several more if need be. Hearing his voice makes me smile, but I will miss watching his eyes go soft when he looks at me. ^_^

Well then. I’m off to grab some apple pie for dessert and then work on my music-reading lessons and try to figure out the keyboard.

Ta for now.


Published in: on September 7, 2009 at 7:39 PM  Leave a Comment